September 29

Literary Responce

There are many ways Melody changed in “Out of My Mind”. For a start, is that Melody gets to sit in a normal classroom. She was so nervous she felt like hiding.” We were going to be in regular classroom.” Following this, is that Melody gets a Medi-Talker. A Medi-Talker is machine that helps people speak. She is so surprised she felt her mind almost explode.” Most importantly,under about a mile of bubble-wrap,there it is the Medi-Talker.” Lastly, Melody tries out for the Quiz Team. The Quiz Team is a group of smart people and they compete against other schools and they answer questions and try to get them right. She feels like she is going to rock that tryout. “Maybe not, but you’ve got the fastest strongest brain in that school, and you are going to try out for the quiz team next week.” Those we’re ways Melody changed in “Out of My Mind”.

Category: English | LEAVE A COMMENT
September 7

Sharon Draper’s Writing

Here are somethings that I like about Sharon Draper’s writing.One thing that I like was that her writing is very detailed and descriptive.”The smell of early-morning coffee is a permanent memory mixed up with the smell of bacon.” The second, is that her story is in first-person.I like it to be first-person because you get to see their imotions and feelings.”I can’t talk.I can’t walk.I can’t feed myself or take myself to the bathroom.” Lastly,she makes her stories seem real. I like books that make me feel like I’m there. “They’d see a girl with dark brown eyes full of curiosity.But one of them is slightly out of whack.Her head wobbles a little.Sometimes she drools.” Those were some things about Sharon Draper’s awesome writing.

Category: English | LEAVE A COMMENT